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Grant Funding Submission Announcement

Grant Funding Submission Announcement

Bi-Bett is pleased to announce its submission for grant funding under the Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act of 2024: Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP).

Through BHCIP funding, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) plans to award up to $3.3 billion statewide to eligible organizations whose projects reflect the state’s priorities and serve the targeted populations. DHCS is prioritizing projects that collocate multiple levels of care on the continuum, with a focus on residential substance-use treatment facilities.

Bi-Bett Corporation was established in 1969 to provide supportive, quality substance-use disorder treatment services to those suffering from the negative effects of alcoholism and drug addiction. For over 50 years, we have pursued a mission of providing high-quality addiction treatment services to underserved populations, including those who are Medi-Cal-eligible, unhoused, veterans, and experience co-occurring disorders. Our programs help disadvantaged men, women and children to reconnect with families and achieve economic independence by developing the coping skills necessary to discover a new life without drugs or alcohol. Our programs also support the state and county priorities as outlined in the BHCIP criteria, making Bi-Bett an ideal candidate for award.

As part of this submission, Bi-Bett received letters of support from a variety of government and community stakeholders, including Medi-Cal Directors of three county behavioral health agencies, the Clayton Mayor & Concord Vice Mayor, Contra Costa County Supervisor, State Senator, Concord Chamber of Commerce, Clayton Business & Community Association, and the Contra Costa County Assistant District Attorney.

“On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to write a letter in support of Bi-Bett Corporation’s grant proposal seeking BHCIP funding,” stated Mike Frew, the President of the Bi-Bett Board of Directors. “As this initiative will benefit our community by helping to remediate historic gaps in the behavioral health care continuum and meet the growing demand for services, expanding residential care settings to provide appropriate facilities for Californians experiencing substance use disorders, and building on other major behavioral health initiatives in California, Bi-Bett’s Board of Directors welcomes your efforts.”

Bi-Bett intends to utilize the grant funding to remediate two of its facilities, which were recently vacated due to foundation issues and storm damage. The projects involve the comprehensive rehabilitation of these facilities, addressing structural, environmental, and operational upgrades to ensure compliance with modern standards, and ultimately will restore 20 beds back into operation, providing critically needed services to our local communities.

The organization currently operates six residential treatment centers and six sober living environments across the San Francisco Bay Area, serving over 1,700 clients annually, and expects to be able to serve upwards of an additional 300 clients annual following completion of these projects.

Bi-Bett is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide an array of SUD Treatment Services across the continuum of care

Bi-Bett is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide an array of SUD Treatment Services across the continuum of care

Bi-Bett is a member of the California Association of DUI Treatment Programs

Bi-Bett is a member of the California Association of DUI Treatment Programs

Bi-Bett is a Certified Medi-Cal provider in California

Bi-Bett is a Certified Medi-Cal provider in California

390 North Wiget Lane, Ste 150,
Walnut Creek, CA 94598