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Thank you for visiting Vallejo DUI, also known as ‘Ia Tik!’


Our DUI programs can get you back on the road quickly by helping to satisfy your DMV requirements by enrolling. As the largest DUI program provider in the Bay Area, we can help you move through this process quickly.





Here are the next steps:

  • Call or email the program to schedule your appointment
  • Bring your court referral or DMV documents with you
  • Complete your intake in-person
  • All other services are remote by telehealth


Bi-Bett Vallejo DUI ‘Ia Tik!’
604 Broadway St
Vallejo CA 94590
(707) 558-0104


Bi-Bett is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide an array of SUD Treatment Services across the continuum of care

Bi-Bett is Licensed by the Department of Healthcare Services to provide an array of SUD Treatment Services across the continuum of care

Bi-Bett is a member of the California Association of DUI Treatment Programs

Bi-Bett is a member of the California Association of DUI Treatment Programs

Bi-Bett is a Certified Medi-Cal provider in California

Bi-Bett is a Certified Medi-Cal provider in California

390 North Wiget Lane, Ste 150,
Walnut Creek, CA 94598